NSF Award from the Division of Mathematical Sciences
Topics in Algebraic Topology and Related Areas
- Principal Investigator: J. Peter May, PhD, Professor, Department of Mathematics
- Start Date: September 1, 2009
- Total Award Amount: $110,000
Project Description
The University of Chicago has long been a center of algebraic topology, broadly understood to include homotopical algebra, category theory, and connections with algebraic geometry and geometric topology. The group in these fields is now the largest it has been. Mathematically it is eclectic; hence this project includes a variety of directions in all of these areas. The grant is solely for the support of graduate students working with the PI in these areas.
The PI has trained nearly 50 PhD's, most of whom now hold academic positions in the United States. This grant supports the training of more mathematically expert PhD's with broad mathematical interests and a commitment to teaching.
This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, NSF Award number: 0905789

J. Peter May, PhD,
Professor, Department of Mathematics